Deux par Deux kids clothes from Canada, created by Claude Diwan and Maurice Elmaleh in 1982, offers a playful and colorful sense of aesthetics featuring a flamboyant style with European inspirations. Quebec based company Deux par Deux dresses little tykes from 0 to 36 months old, as well as big kids from 2 to 16 years old. For several seasons, the team has traveled the globe, snapping the charming little faces of the children who will become the future symbols of the coming collections.
Made from ultra-comfortable, cozy materials, these fashions are perfectly suited for the active lives of children. At the same time, parents love the clothes as they are very easy to maintain. Painstaking care is also taken with respect to the patterns, ensuring great freedom of movement.
For several years now, Claude and Maurice have been fascinated with the open-air exploration of the faces of children throughout the world, through their simplicity and the richness of their culture. The brand has consecutively received the Earnie award for best Canadian designer in Children’s wear.
About Deux Par Deux Kids
“For us, children represent gaiety, innocence, freedom, and we had to design a brand of clothing that brought all this to mind,” – Claude Diwan, Deux Par Deux