Actor Bradley Cooper accompanied by his charming six-year-old daughter, Lea De Seine Shayk Cooper stole the spotlight on the red carpet at the Netflix premiere of his latest film, Maestro. The heartwarming moment captured Cooper beaming with joy as he held hands with his adorable daughter, who stole the show in a luxurious Dolce & Gabbana Girls Brown Leopard Chiffon Silk Dress from the Winter Savana capsule collection. This enchanting ensemble combines the brand’s signature animal prints, featuring a delightful mix of zebra, leopard, and tiger patterns. The dress, crafted in fine silk chiffon, exudes a romantic charm, making it the perfect choice for glamorous little girls. Lea completed her red carpet look with sparkling gold ballet flats and a stylish red purse, adding a touch of contemporary flair to her overall red carpet look. Image Source: Netflix / Getty Images.
Lea Shayk Cooper Dolce & Gabbana Girls Brown Leopard Silk Dress
Categories: Dolce & Gabbana Baby & Kids, Girls Clothes, Lea Shayk Cooper Clothes
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Trend | Celebrity Kids Fashion, Mini Me Girl, Special Occasion Dresses |